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Neutron HiFi™ DAC V1 | 带有 DSP(PEQ、Crossfeed 等)的便携式 USB DAC 和前置放大器

Neutron HiFi™ DAC V1 | 带有 DSP(PEQ、Crossfeed 等)的便携式 USB DAC 和前置放大器

常规价格 HK$1,360.00
常规价格 HK$0.00 促销价 HK$1,360.00
促销 售罄

Neutron HiFi™ DAC V1 是一款便携式发烧友 USB DAC 设备,具有先进的硬件、固件(丰富的 DSP、可配置性)和美观的设计。支持高达 32 位/384 kHz PCM 和高达 DSD256。配备先进的 DSP 效果:20-频段参数均衡器、交叉馈送、带有 AutoEq 预设的频率响应校正、环绕声(Ambiophonics RACE)。

硬件和软件设计基于我们在开发传奇发烧友软件( 中子音乐播放器中子录音机)过程中积累的丰富音乐再现经验,以满足最苛刻的发烧友要求。

考虑使用Neutron HiFi ™ Case保护您的设备适用于 Neutron HiFi™ DAC V1。

我们建议将 Neutron HiFi ™ DAC V1Neutron HiFi ™ USB 线缆一起使用以获得最佳性能。

订单满 210 美元可免费送货


1 米 USB 连接线可享受 10% 折扣



功能 USB-C™ 转 3.5 毫米耳机插孔发烧级音频适配器,具有扩展的 DSP 功能
控制器 NXP K 系列
数模转换器 ES9219Q
数字输入 USB-C™ 接口
模拟输出 3.5 毫米耳机插孔(24K 镀金)
输出电平 2 Vrms、1 Vrms(可选)
输出阻抗 < 0.5Ω
频率响应 模拟性能:0-300 kHz(在最大 PCM 频率 384 kHz 时,所有频率分量 0-192 kHz 均无衰减通过)
USB 音频 异步
音频时钟 2X 超低相位噪声 SPXO:45.1584 Mhz [44.1、88.2、176.4、352.8 kHz]、49.152 Mhz [48、96、192、384 kHz]
频道 2 (立体声)
PCM 位 16, 24, 32
PCM频率 44100、48000、88150、96000、176400、191500、352800、384000
原生 DSD 64、128、256
DSD 超越 PCM (DoP) 64, 128
DSP(音效) 参数均衡器(每通道 20/10 频段),带前置放大器增益控制、图形均衡器预设、带 AutoEq 数据库的频率响应校正 (FRC)、交叉馈电、环绕声(Ambiophonics RACE)、无损平衡、DSP 效果链
头戴式麦克风 支持 (CTIA)
耳机按钮 支持(播放/暂停、停止、下一首/上一首曲目、语音命令、音量 +/-)
媒体控制 加速度计:2 个可自定义的操作(双击顶部/底部或左侧/右侧)
OLED 显示屏 是的,带有自动旋转指示器
兼容性 USB-C / USB Audio 2.0,Apple iPhone/iPad 需要Lightning 转 USB 相机适配器,用于带有 Apple Lightning 端口的设备
固件更新 支持(通过配置实用程序进行 OTA)
颜色 银色或铁灰色
方面 50 x 19.9 x 9.6 毫米(长 x 宽 x 高)
重量 13 克



Customer Reviews

Based on 11 reviews
Alexander Hassan
I love it - Very high quality product !

It is smaller than expected, barely gets warm and the sound quality is exceptional. Due to its low power consumption it even works with my iPhone 14 flawlessly.
The true strength of this device is its DSPs though. I have tried a few devices with EQ and DSP before (Fiio KA17 for example) and they fall short when it comes to the transparancy and quality of the signal processing that the Neutron DAC has.
The PEQ and Crossfeed DSP are really well implemented. I cant tell a difference to any good implementations on the market.
Unlike with the Fiio which distorts and changes the sound in a bad and very artificial sounding way.

It really shows that the developer is very experienced with signal processing.
I am very curious how this tiny gem further improves throughout its lifecycle.

Cosmin Purcherea
AutoEQ and Crossfeed everywhere !

The Dac sounds great and having autoeq and crossfeed for all audio on your phone or pc is priceless! I recommend this Dac!

Michael Schubert
Waited too long for this

I travel quite often. This is the perfect super light weight solution for my needs. They give new life to my custom inears thanks to the peq function. The device is so tiny!

Paul Young
Very convenient and powerful. Recommended in Group B audio quality (per Stereophlle rating system)

I really wanted to love this product. It has much to recommend it - tiny size, high power HP amp without requiring ext. power, nice display, touch/tap controls, and ability (using NConfigurator app via PC) to accept and store a huge number of DSP personalization settings. I was able to program it to implement my HD800 frequency response tuning.

First - a few words (direct copy from Stereophile Recommended Components 2024 publication):

"Everything on the list, regardless of rating, is genuinely recommendable. Occasionally we get letters of complaint from manufacturers who object to being included in, say, Class B—but inclusion in Class B is a thing to be proud of.

Class A Best attainable sound for a component of its kind, almost without practical considerations; the least musical compromise. A Class A system is one for which you don't have to make a leap of faith to believe that you're hearing the real thing. When hi-rez became available, we introduced a new Class, A+, for the best performance in those digital categories. Class A now represents the best that can be obtained from 16/44.1 resolution. We also created Class A+ categories for turntables and phono preamps, originally to recognize the achievements of the Continuum Caliburn and Boulder 2008, respectively. More recently, we created Class A+ for headphones.

Class B The next best thing to the very best sound reproduction; Class B components generally cost less than those in Class A, but most Class B components are still quite expensive.

Class C Somewhat lower-fi sound, but far more musically natural than average home-component high fidelity; products in this class are of high quality but still affordable." NOTE - their use of CLASS has nothing to do with amplifier design topology which is a very different topic.

I tested it with 16bit, 44Khz FLAC files ripped from well recorded CD's. I played the files using NEUTRON Player (my go-to player) on an Android phone's micro sD card. The phone digital output was via USB C OTG using the USB cable supplied by each DAC manufacturer. Each DAC/Amp I used for comparison was played thru my Sennheiser HD800 phones.

Compared to my $900 battery powered Group A (rated by me) DAC/amp, the Neutron DAC V1 had slightly less ability to deliver the "space" or "air" sensation separating the instruments and vocals from each other - most noticeable in the low and mid frequencies. It had a faster decay to silence when reproducing the reverberation decay of the sounds in the recording environment - thus losing a little bit of realism.

It is a bit unfair to compare the DAC V1 with a 3x more expensive product - that is 15x heavier (340gm vs 22gm) and 18x bigger as well. I needed a reference system for comparison. I would not hesitate to use the DAC V1 if I was traveling a lot and needed a powerful and small unit with lots of DSP features. Kudos to Dmitry and the Neutron team for a very well designed product.

Tillman Eddy
Excellence in Dongle!!

Stupid good for size and price!! Using with Verum headphones giving outstanding quality of sound ! I don’t have measurements ability, just listening, so I suggest you try for yourself.
